Published in 2018 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Rubric SearchNon-monetary inequalities in the lives of RussiansTo the methodology of scientific researchTransition, modernization, innovationsSociology of youthScientific ForumsPolitical Processes: Social Protests and Protest MoodsInequality in Russian SocietySociology of Labor:Llife Plans of Present and Future EmployeesScientific ForumsSociology of management: problems of reformingSocial Strata and Groups: Attitudes and ActivityPolitical science: trends in the development of the electoral processScientific ForumsDevelopment as Theoretical ConceptEmployment in Modern RussiaFactors of Destructive Influence on SocietyTribune of a Young ScientistNON-MONETARY INEQUALITIES IN THE LIVES OF RUSSIANSNo. 27-2018Anikin V. A.Employment in post-crisis Russia: the role of settlement inequalitiesLezhnina Y. P.The scope of Russian people’s problems and risks for social stabilityTikhonova N. E.Life success and social status factors in the minds of Russians>>topTO THE METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHNo. 27-2018Kravtchenko S. A.The sociological “arrow of time” in the XXI century: innovations in materials from Global sociology conventions>>topTRANSITION, MODERNIZATION, INNOVATIONSNo. 27-2018Лапин Н. И.Hybrid transition and a demand for “modernization for all”Trofimova I. N., Хамидуллина Е. Ю.State policy on innovation, techno-lobbyism and interest groupsАбрамова Н. В.Moscow’s renovation program: an analysis of Russian media>>topSOCIOLOGY OF YOUTHNo. 27-2018Zubok Y. A., Chuprov V. I.Culture in the lives of young people: necessity, interest, valueGurko T. A., Мамиконян М. С.Students’ attitudes when it comes to marriage, family and relationships between genders>>topSCIENTIFIC FORUMSNo. 27-2018Uzunov V. V., Chigrin V. A., Zakharova V. A.The state of and issues with the socio-cultural integration of the Crimea into Russia (First Crimean sociological forum)>>topPOLITICAL PROCESSES>> SOCIAL PROTESTS AND PROTEST MOODSNo. 26-2018Кубанова Л. В., Щербина Е. А.Conventional forms of protest behavior in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic as a display of civil activityЦибенко С. Н.Media technologies in the Circassians’ national mobilizationMarin E. B.Youth protest moods in Primorsky Region (on the example of students)Adiev A. Z.Ethnically marked social protests in Dagestan>>topINEQUALITY IN RUSSIAN SOCIETYNo. 26-2018Belyaeva L. A.Income inequality in Russian society: social consequences and issuesMareeva S. V.Social inequities and the social structure of modern Russia as perceived by the population>>topSOCIOLOGY OF LABOR>> LLIFE PLANS OF PRESENT AND FUTURE EMPLOYEESNo. 26-2018Mozgovaya A. V., Яишников А. Ю.The ability to secure a job as a resource for personal professional adaptationTemnitskiy A. L.Life success values and their fulfillment for Russia’s working population>>topSCIENTIFIC FORUMSNo. 26-2018Biyzhanova E. K.All-Russian scientific and practical seminar “Family and social wellbeing in the context of mobility” in VladivostokLevchenko N. V.Conference "Humanitarian and socio-political problems of modernization of the Caucasus"in Ingushetia>>topSOCIOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT>> PROBLEMS OF REFORMINGNo. 25-2018Никонова О. В.Searching for a new model of regional management (following the results of an expert survey conducted in 2016-2017)Bogdanov V. S.The informatization of regional government: issues and prospectsTikhonov A. V.The problem with reforming our country’s system of government: addition to the history of developing a research programMerzlykov A. A.The phenomenon of regional subjectness in solving the issue of reforming Russia’s system of government>>topSOCIAL STRATA AND GROUPS>> ATTITUDES AND ACTIVITYNo. 25-2018Karakhanova T. M., Bolshakova O. A.Everyday household activities: essential and indispensible unpaid labor performed by urban workersЖукоцкая А. В., Васильев И. А.College students’ motivational attitudes in the educational field>>topPOLITICAL SCIENCE>> TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELECTORAL PROCESSNo. 25-2018Ежов Д. А.Show-oriented elections: the technologies and social consequences>>topSCIENTIFIC FORUMSNo. 25-2018Oreshkina T. A.On XXI Ural sociological readings “regional social space and time: stable development issues”>>topDEVELOPMENT AS THEORETICAL CONCEPTNo. 24-2018Davydov A. P.The basis of development as a socio-cultural issue (on the question of the mediation theory of western society’s evolution)Veber A. B.The paradoxes of modern development: Mankind on the edge of a historic bifurcationAksenova O. V., Khaliy I. A.Modern development. Towards designating a research topic>>topEMPLOYMENT IN MODERN RUSSIANo. 24-2018Kolennikova N. D.The economic status of Russia’s working population: objective and subjective dimensions>>topFACTORS OF DESTRUCTIVE INFLUENCE ON SOCIETYNo. 24-2018Pozdnyakova M. E., Bruno V. V.The societal risk in the new tendencies for increasing drug use Немировский В. Г., Немировская А. В., Булатова Т. А.Fear as a factor in the social and cultural deformations of Russians’ life world>>topTRIBUNE OF A YOUNG SCIENTISTNo. 24-2018Будникова Н. С.Civil society and public authorities in the Republic of Buriatia: the development of interactionsЛатыпов И. А.Culture as a factor in the formation of vital values among Russian students and students from Ouzbekiston