Published in 2011 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Rubric SearchTopic of the Issue: The human capital of the Russian modernizationTo the methodology of scientific researchSociology of villageTribune of a young scientistTopic of the Issue: Education and youth in RussiaOnline applicationTo the methodology of scientific researchTribune of a young scientistTOPIC OF THE ISSUE>> THE HUMAN CAPITAL OF THE RUSSIAN MODERNIZATIONNo. 3-2011Tikhonova N. E.Actors of Russian modernization as perceived by population and in realityКирута А. Я.The impact of inequality on the quality of human potential in RussiaTikhonova N. E.Dynamics of normative-value systems of Russians and prospects of modernization projectАвраамова Е. М., Toksanbaeva M. S.Features of employment in Russia and the prospects for the formation of the Russian middle class as an actor of modernizationPetukhov V. V.Prospects of political modernization in Russia and development of civil activity of the populationKliucharev G. A.Human capital and the problem of inequalities in modernizing educationMareeva S. V.The economic consciousness of Russians and the processes of modernization >>topTO THE METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHNo. 3-2011Temnitskiy A. L.Sociocultural: from an undivided concept to dual oppositions>>topSOCIOLOGY OF VILLAGENo. 3-2011Zhvitiashvili A. S.Institutional dynamics of the Russian village: historical and sociological perspectiveШафранец К. .The social capital of the Polish village (in the context of Poland's integration into the EU)Khagurov A. A.Structure of rural settlement: trends and development problems>>topTRIBUNE OF A YOUNG SCIENTISTNo. 3-2011Levchenko N. V.The influence of citizens on the decision-making process (on the example of the problem of homeless animals)Глухов К. В.The system of political planning in the government bodies of the Russian FederationErmolayeva P. O.Ecological way of life of Russian and American students: features of manifestation and problems of formation>>top>> EDUCATION AND YOUTH IN RUSSIANo. 2-2011Magun V. S.The movement from traditional family norms to modern ones: a comparison of Russia and FranceCherednichenko G. A.Youth after secondary education: educational and professional trajectoriesСавинков В. И., Sheregi F. E.National project "Education" and modernization of higher education systemСеменова Л. А.Peculiarities of the vocational and labor self-determination of young peopleKliucharev G. A.Privatization as a modernization way of development of vocational education>>topONLINE APPLICATIONNo. 2-2011Шубкин В. Н.BoundsГиндилис Н. Л.A series of interviews with Russian scientistsБатыгин Г. С.Soviet sociology at sunset of the Stalin epoch (several episodes)>>topTO THE METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHNo. 2-2011Гиндилис Н. Л.The science of science by the eyes of its creatorsKlimova S. G.Theoretical approaches to the study of labor relations at the enterprise in the methodology of situational analysisРабинович Е. И., Tikhonov A. V.Russian sociology of management: theoretical and methodological justification for the development of an explanatory dictionary>>topTRIBUNE OF A YOUNG SCIENTISTNo. 2-2011Shchegolkova E. Y.Interethnic interactions between the population of Greater SochiPodyachev K. V.Political methodology in the context of the formation of "smart politics": to the question of the theoretical foundations for studying the interaction of society and government in the Russian FederationГрицай Л. А.The social dimension of modern Russian parenthood