ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Владимир В Савинков , associate of other organizaiton, ,
Frants E. Sheregi , Candidate of Philosophy associate of other organizaiton, , Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, General Director of the Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing, Moscow, Russia
National project "Education" and modernization of higher education system.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2011. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 8-34

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Topic: Topic of the Issue: Education and youth in Russia

For citation:
Савинков В. И., Sheregi F. E. National project "Education" and modernization of higher education system. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2011. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 8-34


The article analyzes implementation of the “Education” National Project. Its relevance is shown in connection with modernization of the Russian economy and the need for institutional changes in the education system. Under review are relations between representatives of regional authorities and universities participating in the project, which experts estimate rather highly. The university’s victory in the competition within the framework of this project, according to representatives of the administration of the Russian Federation constituent entities, had both a positive impact on the status of the institution as a whole, and on its rating among other institutions of learning in the region. Also the winner university’s interaction with non-governmental organizations was distinguished. The way institutions’ participation in the “Education” National Project over the past two years influenced their educational and scientific activities was assessed. It demonstrates the changes that took place in the institutions thanks to state support within the project. It gives an assessment of the transformation of the institutions’ organizational structure, which consists, among other things, in expansion of democratic principles of management at the level of strategic decision-making in educational politics. Various aspects of improving the scientific and educational activities of institutions participating in the project, the role of information technologies in these activities etc. are considered. The data given testifies to the fact education that in the Russian Federation subjects is progressing in conjunction with modernization of the education system as a whole, with improvement of other social institutions. The education system not only changes when affected by federal policy, but is also largely influenced by changes in the functioning of regional education systems. The “Education” National Project is a backbone factor in modernization of the education system in years to come. Its implementation requires active participation of all concerned parties: teachers and professors, heads of educational institutions, and regional education authorities. Full information awareness of all concerned parties over a whole range of issues related to modernization of education is an essential prerequisite of such broad participation.


national project “Education”, higher education, modernization of education


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