Published in 2021 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Rubric SearchRisks of Interethnic Conflicts in the Context of Contemporary Social TransformationsModern youth: activity and responsibilityDevelopment of Russia: theoretical concept and social realityRussian education as a mirror of social changesThe social impact of the pandemic: the latest researchEconomics and education social adaptation: Russian specificsSociety and education in Russian regionsSocio-demographical issues in contemporary RussiaIndividual and society in the global postmodernity: socio-cultural metamorphosesHistoric Memory Sociology (To 80th Anniversary of Great Patriotic War Start)Social Processes In Russian RegionsCivil Culture And Civil Activities Reflected In CyberspaceYoung Researcher’s Tribune In Memory Of L.M.Drobijeva: Ethno-Social ProcessesSocial activities and identity transformations: Russian Federation and European Union based processesSocial communications in the “digital expansion” situationYoung Researcher's TribuneSociology NewsRISKS OF INTERETHNIC CONFLICTS IN THE CONTEXT OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONSVol. 12. No. 4Grigor’eva K. S., Endryushko A. A.Migrants' access to housing in Russia: evaluation methodology and results of the experimental studyKapitsyn V. M., Shaparov A. E.Foreign-culture immigrants in Denmark's political agendaNaydenko V. N.Factors affecting activities to prevent and suppress ethnic conflicts in the Russian Federation>>topMODERN YOUTH>> ACTIVITY AND RESPONSIBILITYVol. 12. No. 4Voronina N. S.Motivating volunteers in emergenciesVozmitel A. A.Objective and subjective characteristics of the success of post-Soviet youth>>topDEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA>> THEORETICAL CONCEPT AND SOCIAL REALITYVol. 12. No. 4Bogatova O. A., Makarova G. I.Problematization of the development of non-capital cities in the works of Soviet and post-Soviet researchersPantin V. I.Civilizational features of the development of Russia in the context of modern social transformations>>topRUSSIAN EDUCATION AS A MIRROR OF SOCIAL CHANGESVol. 12. No. 4Konstantinovskiy D. L.Attitudes towards professions as an indicator of social changesGarmonova A. V., Shcheglova D. V., Iumanova I. F., Opfer E. A.Values of modern Russian students in the context of the transformation of the higher education system>>topTHE SOCIAL IMPACT OF THE PANDEMIC>> THE LATEST RESEARCHVol. 12. No. 4Galkin K. A.Social exclusion of older people in rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Karelia>>topECONOMICS AND EDUCATION SOCIAL ADAPTATION>> RUSSIAN SPECIFICSVol. 12. No. 3Bolshakova O. A., Karakhanova T. M.The student time-budget and their adaptation to educational activitiesShuklina E. A.Self-evaluation of educational success as an institutional phenomenon: sociological analysis of efficiency and intrasystem contradictionsBessokirnaya G. P.Social adaptation of the younger and older generations of workers in modern Russia>>topSOCIETY AND EDUCATION IN RUSSIAN REGIONSVol. 12. No. 3Oydup T. M., Kylgiday A. C.School graduates as the basis of the human capital of the region on the example of the Republic of TyvaSampiev I. M.Regional University as a Social Institution (on the example of the Ingush State University)>>topSOCIO-DEMOGRAPHICAL ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAVol. 12. No. 3Voronin G. L.Mortality as a social problem: 2001–2017>>topINDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY IN THE GLOBAL POSTMODERNITY>> SOCIO-CULTURAL METAMORPHOSESVol. 12. No. 3Rutkevich E. D.(Non)Religious Diversity and correlation of religious, spiritual and secular in the consciousness of modern manZubok Y. A., Chuprov V. I., Lyubutov A. S., Sorokin O. V.Life positions in self-regulation of life activity of the youthDanilov A. N.Modern society development of: the place of culture in the choice of the futureBelyaeva L. A.Civilizational heterogeneity of Russia. Property in the field of civilizational development>>topHISTORIC MEMORY SOCIOLOGY (TO 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR START)Vol. 12. No. 2Shirokalova G. S.Historical memory of the Great Patriotic War: reasons for pluralismFadeev P. V.The historical memory of Russians in sociological surveys: foundations, reality, problemsPodlesnaia M. A., Soloviova G. V., Il`ina I. V.Historical memory: schoolchildren and students about the history of Russia>>topSOCIAL PROCESSES IN RUSSIAN REGIONSVol. 12. No. 2Patsiorkovsky V. V., Simagin Y. A., Murtuzalieva D. J.Population dynamics of priority geostrategic Territories of Russia in 2010-2018Iskineeva F. F., Ozerova K. A., Ishkineeva G. F.The Image of the "Smart City" Innopolis: Concepts and Everyday LifeKomarova T. M., Kalinina I. V., Solovchenkov S. A.Subjective and objective assessments of personal employment at the Russian Far East (Jewish Autonomous Region as a case study)>>topCIVIL CULTURE AND CIVIL ACTIVITIES REFLECTED IN CYBERSPACEVol. 12. No. 2Zabokritskaya L. D., Oreshkina T. A.Analysis of search query statistics as a tool for monitoring the ecological attitudes of the region's populationDombrovskaya A. Y., Parma R. V., Azarov A. A.Social media infrastructure of the Russians civic participation: the analysis of audience intersection graphs for socio-political communities on Runet>>topYOUNG RESEARCHER’S TRIBUNE Vol. 12. No. 2Rodionov G. Y.Civic identity and acculturation expectations of Muscovites and Tallinn residents: the role of perceived threat>>topIN MEMORY OF L.M.DROBIJEVA>> ETHNO-SOCIAL PROCESSESVol. 12. No. 2Arutyunova E. M., Kuznetsov I. M.Integration Potential of Migrants and the Host Society: Similarities and Differences (on the Example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)>>topSOCIAL ACTIVITIES AND IDENTITY TRANSFORMATIONS>> RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND EUROPEAN UNION BASED PROCESSESVol. 12. No. 1Marin E. B.The idea of social protest among Russian youth of the Far EastViktorova E. V., Petrenko D. A., Vlasova N. V.Integration processes and identity: a view of the European youthPetukhov V. V., Petukhov R. V.Socially active groups of Russian society: forming a demand for democratic participationGnevasheva V. A., Ildarhanova C. I.Typical socio-economic behavioural orientations of women in the Tatarstan labour market>>topSOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS IN THE “DIGITAL EXPANSION” SITUATIONVol. 12. No. 1Artyushina E. V., Koren`kova M. M.Research on the factors of consumer satisfaction with the development of digital communications: expectations and realityEremenko Y. A., Zhavoronkova Z. A.On the issue of perception of political content in social networks: experience in the application of neurophysiological methodologiesYarmak O. V., Bolshakova M. G., Shkayderova T. V., Maranchak A. G.Social communication paradoxes in post-conflict societies>>topYOUNG RESEARCHER'S TRIBUNEVol. 12. No. 1Morozov I. S.Sociological approach to the analysis of structured extracurricular activities and school performance among children with disabilities>>topSOCIOLOGY NEWSVol. 12. No. 1Mukhanova M. N.Review of methodological approaches to the analysis of the transformation of the agricultural labor market in modern RussiaAntonova N. S., Badaraev D. D., Badonov A. M.Discussion of issues of social security and social protection of the population in modern conditions