Published in 2016 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Rubric SearchSociology of Education: Modern TrendsWorldview of Modern RussiansSocial Well-BeingStatus of Social Strata and Groups in the Regions of Modern RussiaTechnosphere and Social ProcessesRussia and Mongolia: Similarities and PeculiaritiesMigrants in West European CountriesConsolidation of the societySocial strata and groups: the potential of innovation activityTerrorism in the sociological dimensionSocial Processes in Russian RegionsOnline applicationReflections on the Basis of New Foreign PublicationsScience Self-reflectionSOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION>> MODERN TRENDSNo. 19-2016Cherednichenko G. A.Village School Graduates: Educational Strategies Kliucharev G. A., Sheregi F. E., Chursina A. V.On the Effectiveness of Continuous Education in High-Tech Industrial Enterprises Gasparishvili A. T.Secondary Professional Training Facilities in the Eyes of Graduates: Working Versus Further Education Konstantinovskiy D. L.The Formation of Young People’s Orientations in The Sphere of Education >>topWORLDVIEW OF MODERN RUSSIANSNo. 19-2016Latova N. V.Russians’ Cultural Specificity (An Ethnometrical Analysis Based on Geert Hofstede’s Concept)Kiselev I. Y., Смирнова А. Г.The Population’s Perception of Foreign Policy Results – the Peculiarities >>topSOCIAL WELL-BEINGNo. 19-2016Kozyreva P. M., Smirnov A. I.Social Security for Groups of Russians with Average IncomeБутуева З. А.Social Well-Being of Elderly People in the Republic of Buriatiya: Regional Aspect>>topSTATUS OF SOCIAL STRATA AND GROUPS IN THE REGIONS OF MODERN RUSSIANo. 18-2016Karakhanova T. M., Bolshakova O. A.Laborers time budget as a reflection of their actual behavior in everyday lifeGolenkova Z. T., Игитханян Е. Д.Intellectuals in the regional space of modern Russian society: concept, structure, development dynamicsGorina T. I., Kefeli V. B.Issues attributed to the employment of disable people: a regional aspectПроказина Н. В., Алексеёнок А. А., Каира Ю. В.The social inequality profile in the Central Federal regionsGolenkova Z. T., Goliusova Y. V.The Russian precariat: human capital accumulation of different age groupsКошарная Г. Б., Каримова Л. Ф.The living standards and lifestyle of the poor in a regional society>>topTECHNOSPHERE AND SOCIAL PROCESSESNo. 18-2016Шаповалова И. С.Technosphere of Russia: problems and risks of development>>topRUSSIA AND MONGOLIA>> SIMILARITIES AND PECULIARITIESNo. 18-2016Aktamov I. G.The mining industry in the cross-borders regions of Russia and Mongolia: social and environmental aspectsРодионов В. А.Mongolia at the turn of XX–XXI centuries: a case of post-socialist transformationBadaraev D. D.The traditional economic practices of Mongolian-speaking nomads: peculiarities and opportunities for the development of livestock farming in Mongolia’s and Russia’s adjacent territories>>topMIGRANTS IN WEST EUROPEAN COUNTRIESNo. 18-2016Соколова В. М.Knowing a language as a resource for migrants’ integration. Spanish experience>>topCONSOLIDATION OF THE SOCIETYNo. 17-2016Babintsev V. P.The problems of consolidation in local communitiesКармадонов О. А., Ковригина Г. Д.The resource aspects of social conjunctionЗахарова О. В.Strategies for representing the “consolidation” category in the Russian president’s conjunctive discourse (2000-2015)>>topSOCIAL STRATA AND GROUPS>> THE POTENTIAL OF INNOVATION ACTIVITYNo. 17-2016Чоросова О. М.Yakutian teachers’ continuous professional education and adaptation issues in current conditionsKozyreva P. M., Smirnov A. I.The preconditions and problems of partaking in innovational activitiesKaravay A. V.The human capital of the Russian working class: status and factors>>topTERRORISM IN THE SOCIOLOGICAL DIMENSIONNo. 17-2016Ильченко О. Ю.Women and terror: women participating in terrorist movements>>topSOCIAL PROCESSES IN RUSSIAN REGIONSNo. 16-2016Посухова О. Ю., Сериков А. В.Life Orientation for Inhabitants of the Southern Federal District in the Context of Modern-Day Life Vinokurova A. V., Ардальянова А. Ю.Migrants in Primorye: Opinions, Judgment, Evaluation Филипова А. Г.Social Spaces and Children: Vladivostok vs. Khabarovsk Kostina E. Y., Orlova N. A.Economic Prosperity as Evaluated by Inhabitants of the Far Eastern Region of Russia (Based on Materials from the Primorsky Kray Region) >>topONLINE APPLICATIONNo. 16-2016Krassin Y. A.The Main Thing – the Party Reorganization >>topREFLECTIONS ON THE BASIS OF NEW FOREIGN PUBLICATIONSNo. 16-2016Lyublinsky V. V.Social Images in Modern Israel. Problems and Politics Рыбакова Л. Н.Conflict as an Object and as an Instrument for Social Work >>topSCIENCE SELF-REFLECTIONNo. 16-2016Tikhonov A. V., Merzlykov A. A., Bogdanov V. S.Experience in Modernizing Educational Technologies Based on the Innovative Practices of Scientific Research Activities