A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  SSc Se Sh Si Sm So Sp St Su School graduates as the basis of the human capital of the region on the example of the Republic of TyvaOydup T. M., Kylgiday A. C.No 38, 2021 Scientific and Pedagogical Community of Russia Universities as an Object of Resource MobilisationZborovsky G. E., Ambarova P. A.No 47, 2023 Scientific Supervisor and Scientific Mentor: Updating Old Roles and MeaningsAmbarova P. A., Shabrova N. V., Kemmet E. V.No 51, 2024 Searching for a new model of regional management (following the results of an expert survey conducted in 2016-2017)Никонова О. В.No 25, 2018 Secondary professional education for an innovative economyДежина И. Г., Kliucharev G. A.No 28, 2019 Secondary Professional Training Facilities in the Eyes of Graduates: Working Versus Further Education Gasparishvili A. T.No 19, 2016 Seedlings of the Future in the debate of the PastKrassin Y. A.No 40, 2022 Self-evaluation of educational success as an institutional phenomenon: sociological analysis of efficiency and intrasystem contradictionsShuklina E. A.No 38, 2021 Self-regulation of life purpose values in youth cultural spaceZubok Y. A., Chuprov V. I.No 31, 2019 Show-oriented elections: the technologies and social consequencesЕжов Д. А.No 25, 2018 Significant events as the basis of regional branding strategies in TatarstanMakarova G. I.No 31, 2019 Small Cities: Results of The Struggle Between Two PositionsShirokalova G. S.No 47, 2023 Small scientific enterprises as a factor of rivalry among universitiesKliucharev G. A., Chursina A. V.No 22, 2017 Social activity and social responsibility in the ideas and practices of modern youthKostina E. Y., Orlova N. A.No 40, 2022 Social adaptation of the younger and older generations of workers in modern RussiaBessokirnaya G. P.No 38, 2021 Social advertising as a tool to build loyaltiesМартинавичене Ю. В.No 4, 2012 Social communication paradoxes in post-conflict societiesYarmak O. V., Bolshakova M. G., Shkayderova T. V., Maranchak A. G.No 36, 2021 Social determinants in organizing government strategic managementКорнилович В. А.No 33, 2020 Social exclusion of older people in rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of KareliaGalkin K. A.No 39, 2021 Social Images in Modern Israel. Problems and Politics Lyublinsky V. V.No 16, 2016 Social inequities and the social structure of modern Russia as perceived by the populationMareeva S. V.No 26, 2018 Social media infrastructure of the Russians civic participation: the analysis of audience intersection graphs for socio-political communities on RunetDombrovskaya A. Y., Parma R. V., Azarov A. A.No 37, 2021 Social policy under conditions of network society developmentLyublinsky V. V.No 30, 2019 Social Portrait of the Audience of Orthodox Online Communities in a Social Network VkontakteПисаревский В. Г.No 10, 2014 Social responsibility of Russian business during economic crisisВиттенберг Е. Я.No 20, 2017 Social risks for the health of migrant workersIvanova L. Y.No 6, 2013 Social Risks of Small Business in RussiaОганисьян Ю. С.No 7, 2013 Social Security for Groups of Russians with Average IncomeKozyreva P. M., Smirnov A. I.No 19, 2016 Social Spaces and Children: Vladivostok vs. Khabarovsk Филипова А. Г.No 16, 2016 Social traditions and innovations: (historical context, theoretical approaches and definition concepts)Колбановский В. В.No 4, 2012 Social well-being as evaluated by the population of the Far East regionKostina E. Y., Orlova N. A., Panfilova A. O.No 32, 2020 Social Well-Being of Elderly People in the Republic of Buriatiya: Regional AspectБутуева З. А.No 19, 2016 Social-humanitarian trades in a digital society: the perceptions and professional adaptation of Moscow’s college studentsPinchuk A. N., Karepova S. G., Tikhomirov D. A.No 34, 2020 Socially active groups of Russian society: forming a demand for democratic participationPetukhov V. V., Petukhov R. V.No 36, 2021 Socio-cultural origins of beer naming in the Kirov regionMoskvin A. S., Kushova I. A.No 48, 2024 Socio-Political Accord in the Context of Democratic Consolidation (Analytical Review) Mikhaylyonok O. M.No 14, 2015 Socio-vital Institutions of the Cossack Everyday Life: Categorical and Conceptual AnalysisSkorik A. P., Shcherbakova L. I.No 46, 2023 Sociocultural: from an undivided concept to dual oppositionsTemnitskiy A. L.No 3, 2011 Sociological approach to the analysis of structured extracurricular activities and school performance among children with disabilitiesMorozov I. S.No 36, 2021 Sociological Factors of the Influence of the Educational Environment on the Professional Burnout of University TeachersSamsonova E. A.No 42, 2022 Sociological imagination in the zone of ignorance (on the example of the development of sociology in Belarus) Danilov A. N.No 40, 2022 Sociology of education: multi-shift schooling in UlaanbaatarОролмаа М. ., Тэгшээ Б. ., Дашзэвэг М. .No 29, 2019 Sociology of professional groups: history and prospects Mansurov V. A., Yurchenko O. V.No 7, 2013 Sociology of volunteering: defining the boundaries of researchNevskii A. V.No 32, 2020 Sociology Students about Family, Gender, and Their Attitude to Parents Gurko T. A., Хромачева А. Ю.No 15, 2015 Soviet engineering and technical intellectuals from the 1960’s to the 1980’s: Searching for the boundaries of collective consciousness Abramov R. N.No 20, 2017 Spanish mass-media on Latin American migrants: between fear and pityКосевич Е. Ю.No 31, 2019 Specific Features of Television Content Consumption Among the YouthIvchenkova M. S.No 15, 2015 Specificity of Subjective Well-Being of Russians from Different Types of SettlementsSushko P. E.No 51, 2024 Speech at the meeting of the Round Table "Expertise", held on April 9, 2001Шахназаров Г. Х.No 4, 2012 State policy on innovation, techno-lobbyism and interest groupsTrofimova I. N., Хамидуллина Е. Ю.No 27, 2018 State-confessional relations, secularism and religious contradictions: political and legal aspectsПлужников Е. Н.No 4, 2012 Stigmatisation as a threat to national identity (lessons for the present from the past)Kapitsyn V. M.No 44, 2023 Strategic partnership: characterizing an important political phenomenonAndreev A. L.No 33, 2020 Strategies for representing the “consolidation” category in the Russian president’s conjunctive discourse (2000-2015)Захарова О. В.No 17, 2016 Structure of rural settlement: trends and development problemsKhagurov A. A.No 3, 2011 Students: risk behaviors and health-related valuesZhuravleva I. V., Ivanova L. Y., Ivakhnenko G. A.No 6, 2013 Students’ attitudes when it comes to marriage, family and relationships between gendersGurko T. A., Мамиконян М. С.No 27, 2018 Students’ Social Well-Being and Values in the Context of Social ChangesЕфлова М. Ю., Iskineeva F. F., Фурсова В. В.No 10, 2014 Studies of Post-Globalization in Russia: Methods and ResultsAksenova O. V.No 48, 2024 Subjective and objective assessments of personal employment at the Russian Far East (Jewish Autonomous Region as a case study)Komarova T. M., Kalinina I. V., Solovchenkov S. A.No 37, 2021 Subjective well-being determinants in Russia: a regional perspectiveНемировская А. В., Соболева Н. Э.No 33, 2020 Suppression of manifestations of violent ethno-religious extremism: expert assessmentsNaydenko V. N.No 44, 2023