ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

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Fa    Fe    Fo    Fr   

 Factors affecting activities to prevent and suppress ethnic conflicts in the Russian Federation
Naydenko V. N.
No 39, 2021

 Families of migrants from post-Soviet states: between homeland and Russia
Tolmacheva A. Y.
No 42, 2022

 Family policy and social practice for human development
Валиахметов Р. М.
No 8, 2014

 Fear as a factor in the social and cultural deformations of Russians’ life world
Немировский В. Г., Немировская А. В., Булатова Т. А.
No 24, 2018

 Features of employment in Russia and the prospects for the formation of the Russian middle class as an actor of modernization
Авраамова Е. М., Toksanbaeva M. S.
No 3, 2011

 Features of the Profile of Russian Identity: Experience of the Multidimensional Approach (case study of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
Kuznetsov I. M.
No 46, 2023

 Features of the religious consciousness of Nizhny Novgorod students
Shirokalova G. S., Dulina N. V., Pronina E. I.
No 49, 2024

 Features of Transformation of Worldview Attitudes among Russian Youth in the Context of Geopolitical Conflict
Sedova N. N.
No 47, 2023

 Food as a counterculture or movement of anti-capitalism
Карпова Д. Н.
No 14, 2015

 Food as a Sociology Object and a Social Inequality Marker
Носкова А. В.
No 14, 2015

 Foreign-culture immigrants in Denmark's political agenda
Kapitsyn V. M., Shaparov A. E.
No 39, 2021

 Formation and features of the evolution of historical memory among the Belarusian youth (from the experience of sociological research)
Myslivets N. L.
No 40, 2022

 Fragments from the Book by A.V. Kuleshov and A.V. Braterskii “An Open Question. Public Opinion in the Mmodern History of Russia"
Kuleshova A. V., Braterskiy A. V.
No 41-2, 2022

 From Organization to Chaos: Actor in the System Accident
Aksenova O. V.
No 10, 2014

 From unipolarity to unpolarity: to the question of changes in the geopolitical configuration of the world
Biyzhanova E. K.
No 44, 2023