About the Authors Candidate of Philosophy Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, RussiaLeading researchermargo417@isras.ru The Articles in this Journal:Pozdnyakova M. E.Bruno V. V.Development of the Information and Network Environment and Deviant Behaviour: Cybercrime as a New Social Threat (2024' 51) Pozdnyakova M. E.Bruno V. V.Deviant Behaviour of the Population as a Reflection of Maladaptive Processes in Russian Society (Based on State Statistics) (2023' 47) Pozdnyakova M. E.Bruno V. V.Transformation of drug behaviour patterns in the Russian Federation in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection (2022' 43) Pozdnyakova M. E.Bruno V. V.The societal risk in the new tendencies for increasing drug use (2018' 24)