About the Authors Candidate of Historical Sciences egor-marin@yandex.ru The Articles in this Journal:Marin E. B.Protest Consciousness and Protest Culture of the Young People of the Russian Far East (2024' 51) Marin E. B.Young people assessment of measures to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic (on the example of Primorsky Region) (2023' 44) Marin E. B.The structure of protest thinking and the idea of social protest of the youth generations "Y" and "Z" in the Far East and Moscow (2022' 40) Marin E. B.The idea of social protest among Russian youth of the Far East (2021' 36) Marin E. B.Images of Russian political leaders as viewed by youth: a semantic reconstruction (2020' 33) Marin E. B.Youth protest moods in Primorsky Region (on the example of students) (2018' 26)