ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Надежда Н Абрамова
researcher, National Research University Higher school of economics; teacher, State Academic University humanities
Moscow’s renovation program: an analysis of Russian media.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 155-169

This Article is downloaded: 559 times
Topic: Transition, modernization, innovations

For citation:
Абрамова Н. В. Moscow’s renovation program: an analysis of Russian media. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 155-169


This article focuses on analyzing the public discourse concerning Moscow’s renovation program. Articles in Russian media outlets were used as an empirical base for this study. In the year 2017 the word “renovation” was mentioned in 9935 articles (according to “Integrum”). Articles in federal media outlets involved with “Integrum” were used as a basis for analysis. All the work was carried out during the period from March and until August 2017. The theoretical-methodological basis for this study is represented by the key concepts of T. Dridze’s dialogical model of social communication, i.e. “semantic scissors” and “quasi-communication”, the latter considering the reasons why “semantic scissors” came about in the first place. The analysis allowed for identifying the participants of the renovation process: politicians, residents of buildings, urban development organizations, construction companies. Based on analyzing media publications, it can be concluded that a contradiction of semantic “focal points” occurred between politicians and residents, while the “public agreement” was being reevaluated. This contradiction was resolved by politicians thanks to them making a few corrections to the informational campaign on the renovation program, as well as creating platforms which allowed for negotiating with residents.


renovation, dialogical model of social communication, "semantic scissors", quasi-communication, content analysis.


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