ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Олег О Яницкий, Doctor of Philosophy main researcher, ,
Professional as a social Actor: fortuitousness or something constant?.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2012. Vol. 3. No. 2. P. 43-60

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Topic: Professional as a subject of social action

For citation:
Яницкий О. Н. Professional as a social Actor: fortuitousness or something constant?. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2012. Vol. 3. No. 2. P. 43-60


In the article, from the perspective of activist sociology, theoretical and methodological principles of transformation of a professional scientist into a social actor are analyzed. It is stated that in modern conditions such combination of roles is needed, also for sociologists. On the basis of empirical studies, the main phases of the above transformation are identified. Almost every action of a professional if it is aimed at multiplying the common good is seen as a form of social activism. It shows the importance of ordinary or local knowledge, which represents a permanent process of the formation and reformation of a world view in a specific local context with the aim of changing it. The local population is seen as a full-fledged social actor participating in the process of developing knowledge about the “place” and for “place”, in forming the culture of “place”. The local population is the bearer of knowledge and know-how essential for the development of scientific doctrines and practical recommendations. Activist sociology assumes the social activity of both professionals and ordinary citizens involved in the transformation of social structures. The transformation of a professional into an activist implies his/her ethical orientation toward multiplying the common good, sympathy and participation in resolving social conflicts and critical and even catastrophic situations. At the macro level, social activism assumes serious changes in the “science – civil society” system. The structure of communication between the academic community and society as a whole evolves from vertical to horizontal. It comes from the implementation of a scientific concept to a dialogue, in which the importance of environmental knowledge grows, to a dialogue that places primary importance on local conditions and integrated subjective perception. This knowledge is constructed, revised, reorganized in the processes of dialogue between science, government agencies and local population. Formed in the course of this dialogue, the types of professional scientists are also social actors. All of them are oriented toward the common good, although they differ in the degree and forms of involvement in social activity.


an activist, historical experience, phases of change, professionals, Russia.



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