ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Markku Kivinen

Members of the Board

Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of Aleksanteri Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)

Finish sociologist, one of the leading social theorists in Russian studies with original contributions both in theory and in empirical research. He has 20 years of experience leading a multidisciplinary research community, promoting interdisciplinary and multi-positional approaches. During his leadership the Aleksanteri Institute has become a dynamic research community and one of the largest research institutes in Russian studies in the world. He has led several ground-breaking projects and has profound experience in project management in many undertakings funded by the Academy of Finland, the European Union, and various Nordic funds. He has long-term experience in academic teaching, as well as in supervision of dissertations. Markku Kivinen is frequently interviewed both by the Finnish and international media and invited to give briefing for diverse decision makers in politics and the business world.

  • Reseacherid: H-7915-2016
  • Scopus AuthorID: 55824872400
  • elibrary AuthorId: 869983


