ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Виктор В Щербина, Doctor of Sociology associate of other organizaiton, , Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of Department of Sociology and Social Philosophy, Tauride Academy of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia.
Developing Crimea’s Human Environment as a Multilateral Social and Cultural Concept.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2015. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 35-45

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Topic: Crimea as a New Region of Russian Federation

For citation:
Щербина В. Н. Developing Crimea’s Human Environment as a Multilateral Social and Cultural Concept. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2015. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 35-45


The article reviews the development of a holistic human environment in Crimea in its social aspect. This environment is defined as a community that has been formed over the course of history by various ethnic groups that have lived side by side for centuries. Ethnic diversity is one of Crimea’s most prominent features, and it has contributed to the emergence of an unmatched social and cultural environment. We suggest that the development of such a socially and culturally diverse human environment be reviewed as a unified complex of various social and cultural practices and behaviors, i.e. traditional, modern, and communicative ones. Having analyzed Crimea’s long and eventful history, we prove that the region has an astounding communicative potential, which it owes to the coexistence of various ethnic groups. This unique example of cross-cultural interaction is to be preserved and further developed to match the reality of today. This mission may be fulfilled through employing specific approaches that will allow us to gain an insight into these diverse cultures as a unified whole. To achieve this, we must, first and foremost, understand the peculiarities of the social environment where the various social entities interact. This article reveals that a holistic human environment in Crimea is being formed by various cultural environments that overlap with one another thanks to shared social practices. The goal of developing this environment may bring together several interested parties, such as the government, various businesses, and grassroots organizations. The issue of social responsibility may be a meeting point of agendas for the government (in terms of generating a robust social environment), business (in terms of generating a capable labor force and innovation capital) and grassroots organizations (in terms of realizing the potential for self-governance and personal growth). Religious organizations may also make quite a significant contribution to the process. Outlining the course of development for a holistic human environment shall only be successful when it brings together the individual interests of all these social entities, both on the local governance level and on the level of centralized policy-making. In conclusion, we stipulate that the Republic of Crimea has sound potential for developing human environment, based on social responsibility programs that should be developed jointly by the government, business, and grassroots.


cultural practices, human environment, social responsibility, social development.