ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Анна А Симакова , institute associate, ,
Corporate education in Russian companies: sociological analysis.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2012. Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 166-181

This Article is downloaded: 647 times
Topic: Practices of education and enlightenment

For citation:
Симакова А. А. Corporate education in Russian companies: sociological analysis. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2012. Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 166-181


The proposed work analyzes the practice of a number of Russian companies in relation to the system of corporate education that has established therein. The work is based on the study of corporate education practices in Russian companies. A number of aspects of corporate education are considered: the focus and effectiveness, the forms and methods of teaching, the motivation of managers and staff to learn, the interdependence of learning and career. Training allows not only to increase the level of knowledge of employees and develop the required professional skills, but also to form in them a system of values and attitudes that correspond to today’s realities and support the in-market organizational strategy. The analysis of the process of institutionalization of the corporate education system in modern Russia, based on the study of the scientific literature available in this area, shows that at present a public need for quality vocational education is actively forming in Russia. The study showed that today corporate education occupies a certain niche in the Russian market of educational services. Its task is to help meet the need for training employees through a variety of programs, both in terms the specialist’s job profile and those aimed at developing his personality. Corporate education contributes to the qualitative improvement of the work of the employees who have passed these programs, and also increases the integration of the company’s personnel. A major shortcoming of modern corporate education is training the staff in isolation from many other processes that should have been directly related to it. Among them are: monitoring the career of trained employees, their career growth, working with the personnel reserve. The absence of such practices may indicate a significant imperfection of the corporate education system. The problem is also the lack of a complete cycle of training: from the diagnosis of training needs to the monitoring of its results.


corporate education, managers, education and career, active methods of education, effectiveness of education



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