Published in 2022 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Rubric SearchProblems of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of TyvaDiscussion platform: theoretical thought and empirical searchSocial processes in the regions of RussiaThe Social Consequences of the Pandemic: Latest ResearchModern Belarusian sociologyScientific forumsMigration and identityCivic activism and human rights in the context of digitalistionModern Belarusian sociologyThe education system in a changing societyYoung Researcher's TribuneMemories of a friend and teacherSociology of changeCivic engagement in Russia: institutions and motivationsSocial Change in the Postmodern Era: Reactions and ReflectionsTheoretical and methodological problems of contemporary sociologyelf-esteem and value preferences of Russian youthYoung researcher's tribuneModern Belarusian SociologyProtest attitudes in the Russian regionsModern youth: identity and social activityAbout new scientific publicationsYoung Researcher's TribunePROBLEMS OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TYVAVol. 13. No. 4Natsak O. D.Women's Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tuva: Motives, Barriers and OpportunitiesOrekhova I. M.On the demand for professions in the regional labour market: the example of the Republic of TyvaGorina T. I.Regional labour market of the Republic of Tyva: trends and challengesAnisimova T. G., Golenkova Z. T., Marshak A. L.Problems of social and economic development of the Republic of Tyva>>topDISCUSSION PLATFORM>> THEORETICAL THOUGHT AND EMPIRICAL SEARCHVol. 13. No. 4Andreev I. S., Deviatko I. F.Influence of undirected learning on improving the accuracy of everyday predictions: an experiment in social metacognitionZborovsky G. E.To the question of applying the concept of scientific-educational knowledge in sociology>>topSOCIAL PROCESSES IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIAVol. 13. No. 4Makarova G. I.Actors in the development of non-capital industrial cities of Tatarstan in the vision and assessment of their residentsBurkhanova F. B., Baimurzina G. R., Turakayev M. S.The impact of employment factors on the perception of work-life balance among employeesMerzlykov A. A., Bogdanov V. S.On the study of sociological and managerial aspects of the regulation of social inequalities in the regions of Russia>>topTHE SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE PANDEMIC>> LATEST RESEARCHVol. 13. No. 4Bagina Y. A., Zaporozhets O. N., Govorova A. D.Confronting pandemics: human and non-human agents in the discourse of the Moscow authorities on COVID-19Pozdnyakova M. E., Bruno V. V.Transformation of drug behaviour patterns in the Russian Federation in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection>>topMODERN BELARUSIAN SOCIOLOGYVol. 13. No. 4Postalovsky A. V.On the application of the "DAY AFTER RECALL" methodology in measuring broadcasting ratings: the experience of the Republic of Belarus>>topSCIENTIFIC FORUMSVol. 13. No. 4Grechanaya A. A.About the methodological seminar of the ISRAS>>topMIGRATION AND IDENTITYVol. 13. No. 3Aktamov I. G., Vinokurova A. V., Grigoreva Y. G.Migration processes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of MongoliaEndryushko A. A.Perceptions of Russians of the impact of ethnicity on social advancement (on the example of the labour sphere)Ryzhova S. V.Russian Identity in Regional Diversity: The Role of TrustTolmacheva A. Y.Families of migrants from post-Soviet states: between homeland and Russia>>topCIVIC ACTIVISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALISTIONVol. 13. No. 3Nazarov M. M.Online Privacy and Digital Submissiveness: A Study of the Internet Audience>>topMODERN BELARUSIAN SOCIOLOGYVol. 13. No. 3Rubanov A. V.Bureaucracy as a social phenomenon>>topTHE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN A CHANGING SOCIETYVol. 13. No. 3Shabrova N. V.Institutional Opportunities and Practices for the Participation of American Parents in the School SystemMansurov V. A., Lombina T. N., Yurchenko O. V.Problems of understanding the text by schoolchildren: a sociological view>>topYOUNG RESEARCHER'S TRIBUNEVol. 13. No. 3Kalinin R. G.Vignette Method in Online Research: Measuring Perceptions of FairnessSamsonova E. A.Sociological Factors of the Influence of the Educational Environment on the Professional Burnout of University Teachers>>topMEMORIES OF A FRIEND AND TEACHERVol. 13. No. 2Polikanov D. V.A true friendAndreev A. L.He did not want to waste time on career bustleNaydenko V. N.Researcher, organiser, leaderRudakov V. N.An unfussy personChernysh M. F.About Vladimir Vasilievich Petukhov: personal memoriesKolennikova N. D., Slobodenyuk E. D.He personified an entire era and taught usKliucharev G. A.He selflessly served scienceChepurenko A. Y.A political sociologist in an apolitical society?Gorshkov M. K.Word about Vladimir PetukhovZadorin I. V.The sociologist must remain free, honest and useful to societyTikhonova N. E.He had no ideological blindersKuleshova A. V., Braterskiy A. V.Fragments from the Book by A.V. Kuleshov and A.V. Braterskii “An Open Question. Public Opinion in the Mmodern History of Russia" >>topSOCIOLOGY OF CHANGEVol. 13. No. 2Shestopal E. B.Request for Change: An Attempt at a Political-Psychological InterpretationPakhomova E. I.Conflict potential of modern social and labor relationsPetukhov R. V.Why do people want changes? V.V. Petukhov's study of the reasons for the actualisation of the public demand for changesBarash R. E.Russian society in the 2020s: an attempt at ideological self-determinationLatov Y. V., Latova N. V.Demand for change" in sociology and in the media (in memory of V.V. Petukhov - "Inventor" of the concept/meme)Trofimova I. N."Ideal citizen" and civic education in modern Russia>>topCIVIC ENGAGEMENT IN RUSSIA>> INSTITUTIONS AND MOTIVATIONSVol. 13. No. 2Parma R. V.Civil activity of generations in modern Russian societyKozyreva P. M., Smirnov A. I.Dynamics of subjective power statusShashkova Y. Y., Kachusov D. A.Classification of network social movements in the cities of Southwestern Siberia regionsVoronina N. S., Basheva O. A.Motivation of volunteers involved in emergency situation response: results of a mass survey>>topSOCIAL CHANGE IN THE POSTMODERN ERA>> REACTIONS AND REFLECTIONSVol. 13. No. 2Sergeev V. N.Conspiracy trend in everyday practices of social reflection. Theoretical generalisationsRassolova E. N., Galkin K. A.Professional communities of young scientists in the face of the uncertainty of the modern world. Case of Russian research centers (according to a qualitative study)>>topTHEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGYVol. 13. No. 2Denisova G. S., Polonskaya I. N., Susimenko E. V.Actor-network theory: innovative aspects of sociological methodology>>topELF-ESTEEM AND VALUE PREFERENCES OF RUSSIAN YOUTHVol. 13. No. 2Chigrin V. A., Zotkin A. A., Gorodetskaya E. G., Uzunov V. V.Dynamics and structure of youth preferences in the information space of the Republic of CrimeaMareeva S. V.The social status of Russian youth: ideas and reality>>topYOUNG RESEARCHER'S TRIBUNEVol. 13. No. 2Zakirov I. Z. On the question of the philosophical and methodological foundations of the theory of sustainable development in the social sciences>>topMODERN BELARUSIAN SOCIOLOGYVol. 13. No. 1Martinovich V. A.Identification of new religious movements in the practice of editorial offices and journalists of print mediaDanilov A. N.Sociological imagination in the zone of ignorance (on the example of the development of sociology in Belarus) Myslivets N. L.Formation and features of the evolution of historical memory among the Belarusian youth (from the experience of sociological research)Lebedeva E. V."Right to the city": experience of analysis of courtyard communities from the position of critical theory (by the example of Minsk)>>topPROTEST ATTITUDES IN THE RUSSIAN REGIONSVol. 13. No. 1Brodovskaya E. V., Dombrovskaya A. Y."Digital childhood": the protest potential of schoolchildren (results of a mass survey in the Stavropol region, 2020)Marin E. B.The structure of protest thinking and the idea of social protest of the youth generations "Y" and "Z" in the Far East and Moscow>>topMODERN YOUTH>> IDENTITY AND SOCIAL ACTIVITYVol. 13. No. 1Viktorova E. V., Petrenko D. A., Vlasova N. V., Shishkina E. V.European and national identity in the perceptions of modern Russian youth: the case of St. PetersburgKostina E. Y., Orlova N. A.Social activity and social responsibility in the ideas and practices of modern youth>>topABOUT NEW SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONSVol. 13. No. 1Krassin Y. A.Seedlings of the Future in the debate of the Past>>topYOUNG RESEARCHER'S TRIBUNEVol. 13. No. 1Grigoryev D. S.The evolutionary sociology of J.Turner: An introduction to the concept of Spencer selection