Published in 2019 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Rubric SearchEthnicity in a multicultural worldSociology of Education: Modern ProblemsSociology of Youth: Values and Their FormationMotives of citizens’ activitySociology of LaborSetevization of Society: Social and Political PerspectiveMunicipalities of Russia: Spatial and Demographic AspectYouth Sociology: Social GuidelinesTribune of the Young ScientistOn New PublicationsSociology of Youth: attitudes in modern realityMiddle class: author's methods of researchPolitical Science: strategy of political processesSociology of Education: social aspects of school studyOn New PublicationsScientific ForumsRussian realitites: modern challenges?Sociology of education: for innovative economyPublic healthETHNICITY IN A MULTICULTURAL WORLDVol. 10. No. 4Naydenko V. N. Probability of extremist threats within the ethno-national realm manifesting in RussiaMakarova G. I.Significant events as the basis of regional branding strategies in TatarstanКосевич Е. Ю.Spanish mass-media on Latin American migrants: between fear and pityVoronina N. S.Attitudes towards migrants and the changes they bring, in assessments of Russians and EuropeansFadeev P. V.Libraries’ potential for developing readers’ identities (the example of Ufa)Endryushko A. A.«Mind in Russia, the soul in Azerbaijan»: identities of Azerbaijani immigrants in Russia>>topSOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION>> MODERN PROBLEMSVol. 10. No. 4Zborovsky G. E., Ambarova P. A.Trust in universities as a factor for overcoming educational inefficiencyФилипова А. Г., Высоцкая А. В.Educational inequality in Russian schools: the influence of territorial factor>>topSOCIOLOGY OF YOUTH>> VALUES AND THEIR FORMATIONVol. 10. No. 4Немировский В. Г., Мальцева А. В.Competition as a value of working youth in the Tyumen regionZubok Y. A., Chuprov V. I.Self-regulation of life purpose values in youth cultural space>>topMOTIVES OF CITIZENS’ ACTIVITYVol. 10. No. 4Бутуева З. А.Volunteer activity among the elderly: features and participation motivesВоронкова А. И.Meta description of female business engagement scenariosKiselev I. Y., Ovchinnikova N. V., Смирнова А. Г.The economic behavior of people living in apartment buildings>>topSOCIOLOGY OF LABORVol. 10. No. 4Popova I. P.Independence in professional activity: a glance at long-term trends>>topSETEVIZATION OF SOCIETY>> SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PERSPECTIVEVol. 10. No. 3Шпочиньски А. .The importance of the past and relationships in social networksMikhaylyonok O. M.The informational-communicative risks of actively transitioning political relations to the webМантерыс А. .Cultural capital and public relationsLyublinsky V. V.Social policy under conditions of network society development>>topMUNICIPALITIES OF RUSSIA>> SPATIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTVol. 10. No. 3Patsiorkovsky V. V., Simagin Y. A., Murtuzalieva D. J.The population dynamic in Russian municipal formations from 2010 to 2018>>topYOUTH SOCIOLOGY>> SOCIAL GUIDELINESVol. 10. No. 3Yarmak O. V., Нелина Л. П., Ярмак В. Е.Interethnic and interreligious unity among Crimea college studentsАвраамова Е. М.The social positioning and social practices of Russian millenials>>topTRIBUNE OF THE YOUNG SCIENTISTVol. 10. No. 3Земскова А. Ю.On the history of researching electoral sociologyErmolayeva Y. V.Modernizing Russia’s waste management industry: the scope of expert analysisIvchenkova M. S.Russian Think Tanks Functioning and Information Society>>topON NEW PUBLICATIONSVol. 10. No. 3Shirokalova G. S.What is happening within the social structure of Russian society? Reviewing Zh. Toschenko’s study “The precariat: from the proto-class to a new class”>>topSOCIOLOGY OF YOUTH>> ATTITUDES IN MODERN REALITYVol. 10. No. 2Гаврилюк Т. В.The construct of masculinity in the culture of modern Russia’s new working classPinchuk A. N., Tikhomirov D. A.The image of a corrupt official as perceived by Russia’s youth: using the unfinished sentences methodKoren`kova M. M.The need for professional and personal mentorship in modern society>>topMIDDLE CLASS>> AUTHOR'S METHODS OF RESEARCHVol. 10. No. 2Bobkov V. N., Odintsova E. V.Middle classes in the social structure of Russia’s working population>>topPOLITICAL SCIENCE>> STRATEGY OF POLITICAL PROCESSESVol. 10. No. 2Кучинов А. М.Policy and quasi-policy in Russia: vectors for a possible transformationАндреев И. А.China’s “soft power” and its projection onto the territory of post-Soviet Eurasia>>topSOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION>> SOCIAL ASPECTS OF SCHOOL STUDYVol. 10. No. 2Оролмаа М. ., Тэгшээ Б. ., Дашзэвэг М. .Sociology of education: multi-shift schooling in Ulaanbaatar>>topON NEW PUBLICATIONSVol. 10. No. 2Гешева Е. Г.Russia’s electoral landscape: yesterday, today, tomorrow>>topSCIENTIFIC FORUMSVol. 10. No. 2Biyzhanova E. K.Center and periphery: dialogue or unused opportunities? Notes of the participant of a seminar>>topRUSSIAN REALITITES>> MODERN CHALLENGES?Vol. 10. No. 1Яницкий О. Н.Is social forecasting of the mobile world’s dynamics currently possible?Ивченков С. Г., Сайганова Е. В.Patriotism as a component of public consciousness: a generational measurement perspectiveДроздова Ю. А.Resource approach in studying territorial communitiesГабдрахманова Г. Ф., Сагдиева Э. А.The socio-cultural conditions for the adaptation of “new” ethnic groups in the Republic of TatarstanНикитина Б. А.“Zimnyaya Vishnya” and the “Yardovo” landfill as two sides of the same coin: difficulties in comprehending the obviousНикитина Б. А.“Zimnyaya Vishnya” and the “Yardovo” landfill as two sides of the same coin: difficulties in comprehending the obvious>>topSOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION>> FOR INNOVATIVE ECONOMYVol. 10. No. 1Дежина И. Г., Kliucharev G. A.Secondary professional education for an innovative economy>>topPUBLIC HEALTHVol. 10. No. 1Rusinova N. L., Safronov V. V.The issue of social inequality in terms of health: a comparative study of Russia within the European context