ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Alla V. Mozgovaya Doctor of Sociology
Leading researcher, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
ORCID ID=0000-0001-6810-5931
Александр А Яишников
Manager of the projects, "Business Analitika MK"
The ability to secure a job as a resource for personal professional adaptation.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 143-157

This Article is downloaded: 317 times
Topic: Sociology of Labor:Llife Plans of Present and Future Employees

For citation:
Mozgovaya A. V., Яишников А. Ю. The ability to secure a job as a resource for personal professional adaptation. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 143-157


A quick analysis of a problematic situation, constituted by an inconsistency between demand on the labor market and the situation with professional training, allowed substantiating the fact that one of the most critical means of overcoming crisis involves teaching students the ability to secure a job. Such a competency is made out to be a social resource demanded by all subjects of social interaction – the labor market, the institute of education and specialists. According to the authors of this article, analyzing one’s ability to secure a job, with such an ability presenting itself as a resource for the professional adaptation of college graduates, is a prospective matter. The article suggests a certain structure and a list of parameters for the aforementioned competency. Formulated are certain conclusions as to how well-developed are the features of the competency in question, and concerning the capacity of their resource potential for successful professional adaptation, based on analyzing data from a survey conducted among college students from one of Russia’s southern regions. Determined are those components of this competency which can be considered a resource for adaptation in the professional field, and those components which might pose a problem for future employment. A positive self evaluation from a respondent, regardless of which factors it depends on, practically determines a high level of professional training at all stages, as well as a high level of achievements, civil activity and confidence in the prospect of finding a job quickly and with no issues after graduating. Respondents tend to highly value the ability to adapt, which gives reason for an optimistic outlook on them developing the ability to secure a job and adapt professionally. Most respondents displayed a serious attitude towards their education, which indicates a responsible approach towards establishing themselves as professionals. The key factor determining one’s desire to pursue a trade in their college specialty turns out to be social status, with income being secondary. Certain characteristics turned out to be unformed, such as diligence and working capacity, the intent to constantly educate oneself, language skills and the ability to work on a computer. Revealed is a certain tendency inherent to those who intend to find a job based on their college specialty: those students who are decided on their career path see more effective development of the majority of structural components for the ability to secure a job, as compared to those students who do not intend to secure a job based on their specialty. The results of data analysis and the conclusions of this article bear interest both for researchers and for subjects of the space where the interests of the individual, the institute of professional training and the labor market all align.


business competence, risk, resources’ profiles, professional adaptation.


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